Historical and old photos, pictures and images of St Johns, Saba
Historische en oude foto's, plaatjes en afbeeldingen van St Johns, Saba

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History of St Johns, Saba in photos

A small historical reference

Geography: St. Johns is the smallest settlement on Saba and is located between The Bottom and Windwardside. It was the birthplace of Cornelia Jones. St. Johns is primarily a residential area, but also contains both schools on the island, the Sacred Heart School (primary education) and Saba Comprehensive School (secondary education). Attached to the Sacred Heart School is a small chapel that is run by Father Janssen. It is common to see the chapel used by the school on weekdays for religious class and on Sunday for mass.

Date of foundation:


Population: 186


St. Johns. Charles Stellrecht at the radio tower, 1947
Charles Stellrecht at the radio tower, 1947
St. Johns. Charles Stellrecht at the radio tower, 1947
Charles Stellrecht at the radio tower, 1947
St. Johns. Charles Stellrecht at the radio tower, 1947
Charles Stellrecht at the radio tower, 1947
St. Johns. Charles Stellrecht at the radio tower building, 1947
Charles Stellrecht at the radio tower building, 1947
St. Johns. Charles Stellrecht and L.B. Halley, 1947
Charles Stellrecht and L.B. Halley, 1947
St. Johns. Girls on the steps of the school, 1947
Girls on the steps of the school, 1947
St. Johns. View of the village, 1947
View of the village, 1947
St. Johns. View of the village, 1947
View of the village, 1947

Robinson Rd, CB 13862 Nassau, NP, The Bahamas
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